Facilitated by:

Robyn K. Dean, PhD

Robyn has been a nationally certified signed language interpreter for over thirty years with particular service in the field of healthcare. Her scholarship in decision-making, ethics in community interpreting, and interpreter supervision is recognized internationally. Robyn has over twenty publications, all of which focus on the theoretical and pedagogical frameworks used to advance the practice of community interpreters. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology, where she is the lead instructor on the institute’s postgraduate degree in healthcare interpretation.

Why am I offering this series?

When I conduct workshops on demand control schema, I always talk about the importance of reflective practices and supervision – learning from our work through structured case analysis (in my case, using DC-S). 

Most interpreter audiences, hearing about supervision for the first time, respond with great enthusiasm. They both “get it” in terms of the importance of supervision in the practice professions but also at the prospect of seeking that type of professional development (PD), the honing of development of judgment skills.

I usually end my workshops with opportunities for interpreters to get involved in supervision, specifically group supervision, through the Interpreting Institute of Reflection-in-Action and Supervision (IIRAS). However, very few actually follow through. I understand that the reasons for that are complex. 

First, the if you build it they will come approach to professional development is not often effective. It takes years and sometimes additional information and nurturing before people take action. 

But, I also hear from folks that some of their anxieties center on, who would be in their supervision group and who would be leading the sessions. Fair enough. 

Also, while I can explain what happens in group supervision until I am blue in the face, it is hard to fully grasp what the experience is like – without going through it. Those unknowns make it difficult for most people to follow through on joining IIRAS for online supervision.

The PD opportunity that I am describing here is an attempt to address those concerns.

First, you will know who is in your group because you will select them from your networks.

Second, you will know who is leading your group, it’s me, Robyn Dean. Almost all who are invited to participate in this professional development activity are from one of  my past training sessions or workshops. Most have had the chance to meet and get to know me directly or indirectly through my publications.

Third, you will get first-hand experience of what supervision using case analysis is like because you will experience it. but, in a time-limited fashion. This will be a ~ 5-month commitment whereas IIRAS asks for a 9-month commitment. Second, if you would like to continue as a group, your group can ‘interview’ supervision leaders from those who have been trained by me and Amanda Smith (the other half of IIRAS).

Wait...what is supervision?

Review the DC-S Textbook to learn more:

  • 1

    The Reflective Practice of Supervision

    • DC-S Textbook Chapter 10

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the case conferencing series work?

    A total of five self-selected group members agree to this training and development opportunity. Each person will pay the fee separately (details below). Once registered, each group member will be signed into an online course platform where you will get access to initial resources and materials for your review. Some will be required assignments and others will be optional.

  • What if group members have differing levels of DC-S knowledge?

    If some members are newer to DC-S and normative ethics, and case analysis, there may be additional work. It is important for all members to have a similar level of knowledge.

  • Once enrolled, how does the group book the live sessions?

    After all group members have enrolled, I will contact everyone to schedule our 5 live, virtual sessions. Each session will run for 2 hours. Note: It is not unusual for some sessions to run a bit longer given the sometimes sensitive or complex nature of the case or the analysis. Please plan accordingly.

  • How many CEUs / hours of CPD does this include?

    In addition to our live virtual sessions, there will be weekly or bi-weekly tasks assigned (taking about an hour to complete) through this online course site. You will be asked to submit case reports in advance of the live virtual sessions. The total is a minimum 30 hours of CPD or 3.0 CEUs. This includes both synchronous and asynchronous activities.

Two payment options: